シロカ 2WAY食器洗い乾燥機 [食洗機/工事不要/除菌率99.9%/分岐水栓可/タイマー6段階設定] SS-M151 シルバー

シロカ 2WAY食器洗い乾燥機 [食洗機/工事不要/除菌率99.9%/分岐水栓可/タイマー6段階設定] SS-M151 シルバー

外形寸法(約):幅42× 奥行43.5× 高さ 43.5 cm質量(約):13kg(本体、かご、小物入れ)使用水量(約):5L電源:交流 100V、50/60Hz消費電力:512W / 526WReady to use, dish washer and dryer. Even if you are a first time dishwasher, there is no need for water work and can be used from the day it arrives. Of course, since it can be switched from later to a branch faucet, it is convenient for those who want to use it immediately. Even if you have a branch faucet that can be used as is. Water saving: Approx. 7.8 gal (30 L) You can use a Polka Dishwasher, and it can save approximately 6.6 gallons (30 L) of water for one dish washer. Moreover, it is more clean than washing by hand. It also increases the time you have spent washing dishes, making it eco-friendly, clean, and freely. After soaking at 32.8 gal (10 L) of warm water at about 104°F (40°C), rinse 1 dish with 13.5 seconds per minute with detergent and running hot water in 5.5 seconds (at the time of the Japan Denki Industry Association of Self-Standard, Standard Pollution). 360° clean wash. Syrocka's proprietary cleaning technology allows for 360° cleaning from any angle. Provides a beautiful wash that leaves almost no residue behind. Comes with a timer so you can wash it automatically at any time. The built-in timer allows you to clean it on a great electricity bill at night, to complete your cleaning while you are away and you can wash it automatically at any time you want.

  • 商品価格:50,680円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)
  • ショップ  :mimily


